About Us
They say good things come from small beginnings; Waitakere Hockey Club opitomises this statement.
Auckland Hockey saw the need for another club in Auckland and realised it needed to be positioned out west.
A gentleman by the name of Brooke Wylie, our first club president and lifetime member, took on the project and brought it to fruition. Initially the club was run as an arm of the Waitakere Hockey Regional Turf Trust (which owns the Turf at Henderson High School).
In 2010 we had our first muster at Avondale College and ended up with four teams, two of men and two of women.
We found the first few years hard going but as our numbers grew, so did the quality of our teams winning a few grades and gaining promotion along the way.
In 2017 the club separated from the Turf Trust and became an incorporated entity. This separation has enabled the club to grow further and in 2019 fielded the highest number of teams it ever has in Auckland Hockey competitions - 8 senior teams, three youth teams and 11 junior teams with a total of approximately 200 members.
We have a very energetic senior committee onboard at the moment under the leadership of our president, David Liu, and are willing to listen to all of your suggestions. David was recognised for his dedication and achievements at the club by being awarded Administrator of the Year at the 2019 Sports Waitakere Excellence Awards.
Our club is a very friendly club and will always welcome new players, regardless of skill and experience.
We always "Play Hard, but Play Fair" and we pride ourselves on being a family oriented club.
Our Committee
Here is our club committee. They organise everything from trials to fundraising events such as our annual quiz night. If you are having any issues within the club these are the people who will try their best to sort it out for you. Your first port of call is always your club captains so feel free to say hello and have a chat the next time you see them around the turf!