Prizegiving 2024

Our 2024 season is starting to come to a close which means we are getting ready for our annual Prizegiving.

Prizegiving is a great time to celebrate the season that has been, and acknowledge the special efforts, skills and improvements made by our members.

Coaches and Managers select our MVPs and MIPs, but as a club, we nominate for the following categories.

Once all nominations are received, our Club Committee discuss and decide our award winners. So if you feel that someone is deserving of one of these awards then please make sure you get your nomination through!

Nominations close August 5th

Junior Awards

Listed below are the catergories for our Junior Awards. To send through your nominations follow the link HERE

Junior Attendance and Effort at Training

For a junior player who attends every training session and gives it their all, no matter what the weather or the rest of their team is doing. If a player has shown initiative to become a better hockey player by attending extra trainings or by asking for specific help with their skills, this should be noted in their nomination. 

Junior Sportsmanship and All Round Good Performance

For a junior player who displays great sportsmanship on and off the field. This means they support their team mates, offer help when they see an opportunity and contribute by doing things to improve the quality of the game. This might include going the extra mile to make opposition teams feel welcome or offering to help with disputes between team members. This player should also display good all-round performance in games and trainings and possess a positive attitude.


Most Skilled Junior

For a junior player who displays the highest level of hockey skill on the field. This could include dribbling, passing, shooting, tackling skills as well as positional awareness. 


Goalkeeper of the Year (Year 7/8)

This award is for the best performing Year 7/8 goalkeeper for the season. It should take in to account the skill level of the goalkeeper as well as the skill level of the grade they are in. This could be measured in the number of goals scored against them or their improvement across the season. Their attitude is also important and should be a consistently positive one. 


Most Promising Girl/Boy (Year 8)

One for girl, one for boy. This award is for the Year 8 junior boy/girl who shows the greatest potential for a future in the game of hockey. The judging of this award can be a little more subjective than the others but the important factors are their willingness to listen and learn as well as their potential to move up to representative level hockey. It will also take in to account their skill level, their rate of improvement and their attitude at trainings.   


Jumpire of the year

This award is for the member of the JUMP Programme who shows the greatest effort and commitment to learning and implementing the skills of umpiring and also promoting fair play and sportsmanship in umpiring.

Junior Coach of the Year

Awarded to the junior coach who guided their team to the best overall rank for the season but could also take in to account the skill level of the team’s grade, the team culture they helped to build and their attitude as a coach. 

Junior Team of the Year

This award will be given to the junior team who has had the best overall performance for the year and displays great team culture.

Youth/Senior Awards

Listed below are the catergories for our Youth and Senior Awards. To send through your nominations follow the link HERE

Youth Female/Male Player of the Year

One for female, one for male. This award should be given to the youth players who contribute the most to Waitakere Hockey. This can be a combination of skill level and leadership as a player plus contributions as an umpire, coach or fundraiser, as well as other aspects of club culture. The attitudes and sportsmanship of the players will also be taken into consideration as they must be good role models to the junior players who look up to them.

Senior Womens/Mens Player of the Year

One for female, one for male. This award should be given to the senior player for contribution to Waitakere Hockey over the season. This should include displaying a high degree of skill on the field, leadership as a player plus contributions as an umpire, coach or fundraiser, as well as other aspects of club culture. The attitudes and sportsmanship of the players will also be taken into consideration as they must be good role models to the junior/youth players who look up to them. 

Most Skilled Female / Male of the Year

This award is for the female and male player that displays the most skill on the hockey field.


Goalkeeper of the Year (Youth & Senior)

This award is for the best performing goalkeeper for the season across all grades (one for Youth and one for Seniors). It should take in to account the skill level of the goalkeeper as well as the skill level of the grade they are in. This could be measured in the number of goals scored against them or their improvement across the season. Their attitude is also important and should be a consistently positive one. 


Youth/Senior Coach of the Year

Two coach awards one youth and one senior. It may be awarded to the coach who guided their team to the best overall rank for the season but could also take in to account the skill level of the team’s grade, the team culture they helped to build and their attitude as a coach. 


Youth/Senior Team of the Year

Two team awards, one youth and one senior. This award will be given to the team who places highest in their grade for the year and displays great team culture. 


Outstanding Sportsmanship and Team Sprit

This award goes to the team that has shown tremendous courage and determination throughout the year. They may not have placed highest in the rankings, but they are the team that remained committed, and showed great spirit week on week


Club Person of the Year

This award goes to the club member who has contributed the most to Waitakere Hockey for the season. This club member does not need to be a player. The club person of the year is a volunteer who goes above and beyond to help Waitakere Hockey succeed in areas including (but not limited to) committee/leadership, umpiring, coaching, fundraising, securing sponsorship, looking after our grounds, organising events and arranging newsletters.